20 Minute Sales Clinic With Forrest Contact/FMG & The Sales Dr
Richard Forrest, Managing Director of Forrest Contact, and Ingrid Maynard, Founder & Managing Director of The Sales Dr, have combined forces, knowledge and experience to bring you this sales-focused webinar.
They explore popular lead generation and sales issues and advise on how you can overcome them to elevate performance.
What’s on the agenda?
- How you can get an extra 500 sales leads for your sales team
- How Zoom will allow you to see all of these without adding any extra resource
Download your copy
Ready to transform your B2B sales strategy?
Forrest Contact offers a full range of call centre services including telemarketing, lead generation and appointment setting. Our Account Managers work with you to develop a sales strategy to meet your specific business needs and sales objectives.
Our Aussie sales agents generate millions of dollars of new business for our clients every year.
Contact us today to learn how we can do the same for you.