Market Research
Materials Handling Equipment Case Study
Company Overview and Requirements
Forrest Contact was retained by a leading provider of materials handling equipment. The objective of the campaign was to build a database of potential prospects & companies for our client in key locations, gain information on each company’s buying cycles, their current provider and planned purchases.
Our Market Research Solution
Forrest Contact designed and ran a market research programme to target companies in a specific geographic location over several months. We introduced our client’s local agent and gathered the following information:
• The number and type of equipment in use (forklifts, excavators, wheel and skid-steer loaders)
• Whether it was leased or purchased, and when
• The primary use for each type of equipment
• Who serviced it and how regularly
• Upcoming needs for new equipment (replacement or new)
Market Research Results
Our team built a database of 957 companies all with a need for our client’s equipment. Individual contacts were qualified according to their needs, interest and likely timeline for purchase. Although it was not the focus of this campaign, qualified sales leads (prospects with a current need for materials handling equipment) were also generated for the client’s sales team to meet with.